Smart Self-Publishing

Experience Being Published…

Publishing houses create their own rules in the industry, making it difficult for most authors. Corporate publishers print thousands of copies, you lose creative control, earn only a small percentage of the actual selling price, and you are left responsible for marketing the book.

Would you enjoy seeing your own book in print and on websites like Amazon, and in bookstores? Imagine what it’s like having family and friends mention that they saw your book in a bookstore. But, what’s even better is hearing from a complete stranger after they read and loved your book. It can happen!

Here’s how we see it. You should;

* Print book copies as you need them
* Keep creative control
* Have a low publishing cost per book
* Sell your book on Amazon and other worldwide locations
* Own your book’s copyright, Library of Congress and ISBN numbers
* Have your book available for immediate order.
* Publish in the lucrative e-book format.
* Contact Glue Pot Press and publish smartly.

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