Category Archives: Uncategorized

Parting Words, say and do the right thing.

Dr. Lindholm’s companion book to the Widow’s Key is a practical handbook in the etiquette of death and funerals. Numerous checklists and bullet-ed information on appropriate action you can take to be helpful when a friend or family member passes.

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Living in Berlin at the Time of the Wall

Christel Jonge Vos’ third volume about her childhood under the bombs and her city’s post war traumas.  If ever there was a plea against the war and its aftermath, this is it.

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Leona Clair Fuller’s “Hot Flashes”

Mrs. Fuller’s accounting of one of America’s most sensational “senior” dance companies is delightful and informing. Loaded with color pictures, Leona recounts many years of the group’s history and cites numerous awards and honors they have received.

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Launching “On the Road to Find Out”

“ON THE ROAD TO FIND OUT” by Jamie Sloan BOOK RELEASE & SIGNING PARTY! Buy the book now! Save the date: Saturday 8/24/13 5-7pm at Christo’s Pizzeria and Restaurant on Broadway in Salem, OR. Invite your peeps to eat, drink … Continue reading

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Smart Self-Publishing

Experience Being Published… Publishing houses create their own rules in the industry, making it difficult for most authors. Corporate publishers print thousands of copies, you lose creative control, earn only a small percentage of the actual selling price, and you … Continue reading

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